Wood ducks are unique birds in both habits and appearance.
They're one of the few ducks to perch and nest in trees. Like Tree Swallows
and Barn Owls, they nest in cavities such as hollow trees and
human-made nest boxes. As dabbling ducks, they eat vegetation, seeds, and insects.
Wood Duck mothers sometime choose cavities over water, but
often nest over land. When it’s time for baby Wood Ducklings to leave the nest,
they still aren’t able to fly — so they jump. Check out this amazing video,
which shows how the ducklings free-fall 50 feet to the ground. (Put the sound
on mute, though, because that awful music adds nothing to the experience.) They
bounce like rubber balls on the ground but seem to be unhurt.
Wood Ducks pair up in the winter, getting ready for the spring
breeding season. I saw this pair (with the male in front) at Reifel Bird
Sanctuary on December 27.