Sunday 22 January 2017

American Coot

Also charmingly known as “mud hens,” American Coots eat mainly plants, which they obtain by diving, scavenging on land, and occasionally stealing from ducks. Coots are superficially duck-like, but are actually related to other birds you’ve never heard of like the Sora and the Purple Gallinule. This family of birds specializes in large, wide, lobed toes (unlike the webbed feet of ducks).

Look at those weird toes. But don't stare, it's not polite.
American coots are horrible parents, and make no secret that they favour some of their children over others. Baby coots with the brightest orange plume feathers get fed the most by Mom and Dad; so despite having bright feathers that attract predators and don’t keep them warm, they won’t starve to death like their less-cute siblings.

I saw these two coots at Reifel Bird Sanctuary on January 20.

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