A common resident of Vancouver, the Lesser Gashog is a
flight-loving bird that is usually seen soaring overhead on fair-weather days.
It announces its presence with a steady, buzzing flight song and it doesn’t
seem to shy of human attention. Despite its bold behaviour, the Lesser Gashog
will rarely come to land in your local park.
Lesser Gashogs are detritivores, and feed exclusively on the
ancient sludge of half-decomposed organic matter. They rest in large groups
overnight at established roosting sites called “airports”; I saw this one flying
near the Boundary Bay Airport on February 2. They compete fiercely with other
species for these roosting sites as well as for food; Delta is a stronghold for
the Lesser Gashog, but they are outcompeted by the Greater Gashog on Sea Island
in Richmond.
The reproductive habits of gashogs are largely unknown,
though there is good evidence for an established nesting site of Greater
Gashogs in Everett, Washington.
The cause of the mysterious mating habits is they are all females according to the anecdotal names given individual birds by their mostly male companion species pilotus ignoramus.